Base Distribution
Charge for your local utility to account for all the costs to deliver power to your home (maintaining poles, wires, substations, etc.).
Additional Distribution Adjustments
Miscellaneous adjustments that vary from year to year outside of the "base" need. Includes storm damage recovery, capital projects, revenue decoupling, pension adjustments, smart grid investments, vegetation management, etc.
Residential Assistance
Charge to fund discounts for low-income customers.
Renewable Energy (Service Provider)
Charge for state-sponsored programs where funding and program administration are coordinated by service providers. Includes certain solar programs, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, long-term state-sponsored renewable contracts for offshore wind, etc.
Efficiency Programs
Charge to fund MASSAVE, the state's energy efficiency program which offers rebates for energy efficiency upgrades.
Charge to build, maintain, and operate the regional transmission system used to bring electricity from power generators to the local distribution system. These charges are regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Wholesale Power
The actual cost of power delivered to your home or business, whether provided by your utility or a competitive supplier.
Renewable Energy (Supplier) and Greenhouse Gas Payments
Normally included in wholesale power costs, this charge is for state-mandated programs called by your power supplier - either the utility or a competitive supplier. The Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requires suppliers to procure minimum amounts of renewable power as part of their energy portfolio (includes Class 1, Class II, Waste-to-energy [WTE], Alternative Portfolio Standard [APS], Solar RECs [Class I & II], Clean Peak Certificates, and Clean Energy Standard RECs [both new and existing]). Greenhouse Gas Payments refer to RGGI - the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative - which requires generators of electricity powered by fossil fuels to pay a price on their greenhouse gas emissions.