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Frequently Asked Questions

All the data comes from a partnership between WhatsInMyElectricBill.com and Energy Tariffs Experts LLC, a specialized consulting firm focused on wholesale and retail electric, natural gas, and water tariffs.

To maintain independence, neither WhatsInMyElectricBill.com nor any sponsors have any input into the data.The source for the data is the Massachusetts Department of Public Utility orders and other databases relative to auction prices or similar for REC costs, etc. The mechanics of the calculator itself is maintained by an outside design firm and is not available to either the data developer, WhatsInMyElectricBill.com, or sponsors.

The data has been tested numerous times against actual customer bills and found to be within rounding errors. For more complex sites –say large industrial sources with multiple meters, complex competitive supply rates, or complex demand charges, the results may not be exact but the relative breakdown of costs should be close.

Although some costs are grouped for simplicity, all line item costs (of which there are dozens) are included in your bill analysis.

Since most electric bills are billed from a date other than the firstof the month, a “monthly” bill, say for February, willcross two months (i.e., from mid-January to mid-February). In this case it is possible that there could be a slight discrepancy IFon the first of the month (February 1) a rate component changed, making the second half of the billing cycle different than the first half of the billing cycle.

Most times this will not be a problem. If this is a big issue, as a work around, you should run two scenarios. One for the estimated pro-rated amount of energy used in January and one for the estimated pro-rated amount used in February and add them together.

Our plan is to update the calculator data no later than at six-month intervals. However, we may update other parts of the site in shorter intervals. Sign up for our newsletter to be notified when updates occur.

No. At this time, the year over year rate comparison tool can only be used if you are in the same classification for both scenarios.

Yes, WhatsInMyElectricBill.com, through its subcontractor, has access to thousands of points of data going back nearly 15 years. We can run scenarios for you on virtually any component of your bill.

For instance, if you really want to know how much vegetation management costs have changed in the last 15 years we can graph that for you! Hint: it hasn’t changed much.

Please use our contact form with specific requests and we can give you an estimated cost of providing the data in any format you need.

As finances allow, we will add more states and more data.

If you would like to see WhatsInMyElectricBill.com grow and continue to provide independent data, please contact us for sponsorship or advertising information.